
The company “Technics” was organized in 1945. Its uniqueness lay in its orientation towards employees with different groups of visually impaired. The plant developed and introduced a lot of technical means. This allowed to open a new direction in the rational employment of visually impaired or blind people. 

 There was a lot of social work on labor adaptation and improvement of living conditions of the employees. 930 apartments were built, where former and current employees still live. An art house with a library was designed and built, as well as a recreation center. 

 Now the capacity of the plant has declined. Most of the plant’s territory is rented out or closed. The company produces simple components. Many employees have retired or been laid off. But still about 15 people with various groups of visually impaired continue to work. The daily work and friendly atmosphere in the team supports them even outside the plant.

Technics. Sasha Ivanov — Documentary photographer
Technics. Sasha Ivanov — Documentary photographer
Technics. Sasha Ivanov — Documentary photographer
Technics. Sasha Ivanov — Documentary photographer
Technics. Sasha Ivanov — Documentary photographer
Technics. Sasha Ivanov — Documentary photographer
Technics. Sasha Ivanov — Documentary photographer
Technics. Sasha Ivanov — Documentary photographer
Technics. Sasha Ivanov — Documentary photographer
Technics. Sasha Ivanov — Documentary photographer
Technics. Sasha Ivanov — Documentary photographer
Technics. Sasha Ivanov — Documentary photographer
Technics. Sasha Ivanov — Documentary photographer
Technics. Sasha Ivanov — Documentary photographer
Technics. Sasha Ivanov — Documentary photographer
Technics. Sasha Ivanov — Documentary photographer
Technics. Sasha Ivanov — Documentary photographer
Technics. Sasha Ivanov — Documentary photographer
Technics. Sasha Ivanov — Documentary photographer
Technics. Sasha Ivanov — Documentary photographer
Technics. Sasha Ivanov — Documentary photographer
Technics. Sasha Ivanov — Documentary photographer
Technics. Sasha Ivanov — Documentary photographer
Technics. Sasha Ivanov — Documentary photographer
Technics. Sasha Ivanov — Documentary photographer
Technics. Sasha Ivanov — Documentary photographer
Technics. Sasha Ivanov — Documentary photographer